Foreclosure home auctions can be a great way to get a house cheap. However cheap doesn’t always mean a good value in the case of foreclosed properties. Below I will discuss were to find foreclosure auctions and what to expect when you attend one. I will also share my experience with the foreclosure auctions near me.

Map of Foreclosure Auctions Near Me

For “Foreclosure Auctions Near Me”, see the map below…

What Are Foreclosure Auctions?

Foreclosure auctions are a way for banks to try to get back the money they loaned when someone bought property and defaulted on the payment. Property can mean anything from homes to cars to construction equipment. In the case of auctions, though it mostly involves land and housing.


When you take out a mortgage, you agree with your bank that they’ll give you money to buy your home, and then once you pay off that mortgage, they’ll give you the deed to the house. When that doesn’t happen they go into foreclosure and then potentially auction the home.


But sometimes, things don’t work out as planned, and if your house doesn’t sell at a foreclosure auction, that means that your bank still owns it. They’ll probably try to sell it again at another auction in a few months.

How Do Foreclosure Auctions Near Me Work?

In an auction, a lender will put up for sale the property that is being foreclosed on. There will be other people who want to buy this property and can also bid on it. The highest bidder wins the right to buy the house at auction and they then have to pay the mortgage company back with interest. If they do not pay back the mortgage company with interest, then their bid becomes invalid, and their ownership over the property is forfeited.


The process of purchasing a home at auction is fairly simple. In most cases, the seller will have already completed the necessary steps for placing their home up for sale, and it will be ready for bidding when you come along.


The bank or mortgage company will set up an auction date and time, which usually happens within 30 days of the house being foreclosed on. The bank or mortgage company will also advertise this event in local newspapers and online listings like Craigslist or Zillow.


When you arrive at the property during an auction, there may be other people there who have come hoping to buy it as well. This could cause some competition between bidders and is exactly what the bank wants.

How to Find Foreclosure Auctions Near Me?

Finding foreclosure auctions near you is a great way to get a good deal on the house. You can save yourself thousands of dollars and avoid the stress of having to deal with real estate agents and mortgage brokers who always seem to be looking out for themselves and not you.

If you have been thinking about buying a house, then it would be a good idea to look into foreclosure auctions in your area. It’s a great way to save money and get the home that you want.


The first thing you need to do when looking into foreclosure auctions is to make sure they are legal in your state. Most states allow them, but some don’t, so be sure to check on this before proceeding any further.


Pro Tip: One of my best secrets is using Google “Events” to find foreclosure auctions near me. There will be various home sale auctions listed on Google Events, but there will also be forcelosure auctions as well. Attending to these locally sanctioned auctions, might just mean you are the only seasoned auction goer there! Try Google Events here: Forclosure Auctions Near Me This Week


Foreclosure Auctions Near me

What is a Foreclosure Auction Event Like?

Foreclosure auctions are held to sell off the assets of a property that the lender has foreclosed on. The lender will often own the property for quite some time after foreclosure, so it can be difficult to sell. Because of this, many lenders will hold auctions in order to sell their assets quickly and efficiently.


In order to get your hands on these assets, you’ll need to attend one of these events.


But what’s it like? Here’s what to expect:


Registration: Typically you need to pre-register in order to bid on a foreclosed home at auction. This involves proving your identity and providing proof of your ability to pay if you should win.


Walk Through/Inspection: There is often a period of time pre-event that allows you to inspect the home and understand better what you are bidding on.


Intense Bidding: It can be intense and competitive. Foreclosure auctions are exciting because they give people who are looking for deals a chance to get into bidding wars with other potential buyers and win! But this excitement can also make them intense, so you’ll want to keep your cool and focus on getting what you came for.


Large Crowds: There will be lots of people there! Foreclosure auctions attract crowds because they’re exciting but also because many people are looking for deals at bargain prices. If you want to get something good, you’ll need to be prepared for a lot of competition!


While most people come to foreclosure auctions to find a good deal on a home, a lot of people also come looking for other things like cars, furniture, and appliances. This means that you’ll have more options than usual regarding what you want to buy and at what price. 

What to Consider Before Bidding on Foreclosures

There are a few things you need to consider before bidding on foreclosures. The first thing you should do before bidding on foreclosures is do some research. Find out how much similar properties in the area have sold for recently, and determine whether or not this price is reasonable for what you’re looking for. You should also look into whether or not there are any liens on the property or issues with the title that could affect your ability to get financing or even just get into the house.


You will also need to consider a few things before bidding on a foreclosure, such as how much it costs, the condition of the property, whether it is worth the risk, and can you fix up the house fast quickly if you want to flip it?

What Kind Of Fees Do Foreclosure Auctions Charge?

There are two types of fees associated with foreclosure auctions: the administrative fee and the auctioneer’s commission. The bank holding the auction charges the administrative fee, covering some of the costs related to running an auction, things like advertising and printing up bid sheets. 


The auctioneer’s commission is charged by the company that is actually doing the auctioning. the company that sells all of the items listed on the court documents. Their commission covers their expenses related to selling off those items at auction, including travel expenses and other costs associated with running an event like this.

Tips For Winning at a Foreclosure Auction

Winning a foreclosure auction is no easy feat. The market is competitive, and you’re going up against people who have the same goal as you: to get the home at the lowest price possible. But when it comes down to it, if you want that house, you need to be prepared—and have the right strategy.


Here are a few tips on how to win a foreclosure auction:

  1. Know what you can afford to spend on your new home.
  2. Research the market ahead of time so you know what other homes are selling for in your area and what they look like inside and out so you can spot a good deal when it comes up for sale at auction.
  3. Do some research on who else might be bidding on this house before you go out there with your checkbook in hand ready to bid; you never know who might end up being competition!
  4. Be patient! Yes, this is hard but remember that there are dozens of homes on the market right now that were foreclosed upon due to owners defaulting on their mortgage payments after finding themselves in financial trouble due to job loss or medical bills; just because one particular house didn’t work out doesn’t mean there aren’t others out there that will.
  5. If you’re ready to move forward with the purchase of a foreclosure, make sure you have an attorney who specializes in these types of transactions on your side, they can help make sure that everything goes smoothly when it comes time for closing. 

Foreclosure Auctions Near Me Conclusion

If you are interested in bidding on foreclosed homes you have to understand the risks. While you can certainly win an under market value home, sometimes these are in terrible shape. If you plan on bidding at foreclusure auctions you need to know the rules and really read as much as you can about the properties. This is what I have learned from the foreclosure auctions near me.